Monday, December 17, 2007

Welcome to the Nussey's!

Christmas Tour of Homes

We would go through the front door and I would show you the outside of my house, but I just don't feel like sharing that right now, so we will pretend that you teleported in like star trek and arrived on the otherside of my front door and have tunnelvision so you only see what I want you to see! Please feel free to grab a candy off our was made to be eaten! I have a boy and girl snowpeople for my two kids..

this is our tree....I hope to make some homemade paper ornaments with the kids so this will look different here in a few days!

This is santa with my sunglasses on--Gavin thought it was funny!!

my nativities...and like the other houses in the tour, my son has broken one of my wisemen...
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1 comment:

bbeth said...

Love the Santa with "shades" ! Thanks for the tour of your festive home.