Monday, December 17, 2007

house tour contined, continued, continued....

this is a light up candy cane that a certain young girl wanted one year from him...she's nver been a real picky kid, but the light up candy cane and the penguin were particularly hard items for santa to find, but he found them and thus started the tradition of telling mom and dad that it's okay, santa knows exactly what to get me...he always does!! I don't have to write it down because he knows!

I leave you with the most beautiful angel I have ever seen...not that I am prejudice against other angels..LOL
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My gold trees...I really like them...I would have bought many more, but alas sprits were high, and funds were I have to be happy with my trio of trees...

My snowman I got for 50 cents at the Dollar General after Christmas sale...I racked up!!

My most ornate santa I got from a great family friend....

My homemade snowman made with 4x4 psts and an old robe of my mom's I have got to do something about a nose for can see my blue santa staring disapprovingly at his lack of a nose, but the snowman doesn't mind, he's just happy to be put out and loved from afar...
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house tour continued, continued

this is where he is broken at...not too noticeable...

I made the moma and daddy with their baby with alex last year. She made the baby's face....

A Santa Convention...they were glad the little guy could join in...

and a snowman convention....the blue one's a real troublemaker....see the way he wouldn't look forward for the picture?(and umm...someone needs to take the price stickers off the bottom....)
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house tour continued

the shelf above the tv...all decorated

our daughter's penguin....cleverly hiding our lamp, and our stockings hung on the window....I bought these for 30 cents a piece at the after christmas sale at the dollar general.

My Nativity I bought from the thrift store for 50 cents. Gavin just told me "Tats piture of Marey and Yosef....tats piture tv."

my most expensive nativity....this one was bought at the dollar tree for one dollar a figurine. 7.00--yep it's HIGH DOLLAR. And son broke my wiseman that is kneeling...poor guy no wonder he had to kneel!!
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Welcome to the Nussey's!

Christmas Tour of Homes

We would go through the front door and I would show you the outside of my house, but I just don't feel like sharing that right now, so we will pretend that you teleported in like star trek and arrived on the otherside of my front door and have tunnelvision so you only see what I want you to see! Please feel free to grab a candy off our was made to be eaten! I have a boy and girl snowpeople for my two kids..

this is our tree....I hope to make some homemade paper ornaments with the kids so this will look different here in a few days!

This is santa with my sunglasses on--Gavin thought it was funny!!

my nativities...and like the other houses in the tour, my son has broken one of my wisemen...
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